Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Asian Parent that We Should Be

The issue with Asian parents is that many people have too many issues about them. Before I talk further, let’s make it clear that I’m not saying that western and other region of parent have less or no issue at all. I believe all type of parents have own sets of matter to talk about but as Asians, we all live under the general perspective of Asian parent’s mindset and we will, either doing it or going to be, live and practice our life as Asian parent to tutor and mold the perspective of next generation.

Perhaps talk about the main purpose why I want to start this topic. You see, many Asians are successful when comes to old age. Success in our mindset does not always referring to wealthy and famous, but Asian’s mindset has a set of guideline to do to make yourself think that you are successful. This is good, although it’s sort of like hypnotism that possess you for life. But in order to do that, you have to live in pain.

We are generally convinced that to achieve success, we must go through suffering and pain, but we MUST achieve success. It’s totally different from putting extra effort and time to achieve more. By all means if restless night and working when we are sick able to ensure continuous productivity, that is what we have to do. As long as we have sufficient money and able to take up loan to contribute to car and house, and continue our career. We will eventually be convinced that we are successful at a certain degree.

To argue about this mindset is out of the question because our grandparent gone through the world war time when starvation and lack of job is a common symptom in life. When the war time is over, our grandparent focus to ensure our parent able to obtain education and get a good job and life, and try their best, even if it’s mean the harsh way, to make our parent understand the importance of success that eventually lead to good life, and never ever go through the suffering life like war time.

This mindset is generally agreed and practiced in our parent’s generation but for our generation, we are exposed to wide range of options and worlds that telling us that we don’t need to be successful and the most important thing in life is happiness. The conflicts occurred when we grew up with the perspective of our parent (need to be successful, need to go through pain, etc) and as we became adult, we learnt that actually the world is quite different with Asian perspective that we had been taught. That is when, the older we are, the more we have things that disagree with the Asian perspective.

The bigger issue results in the individual that are taught in an Asian way. Because the main idea of Asian mindset of a person growth does not involve much about happiness. We are convinced that we need to be fierce, cruel, strong and etc in order to face this world and create your own path of success. But this idea is just a mask, we wear it because our culture say that we have to. In the inner side of our personality, we somehow built a strong resistant to it even if we follow the ideal without questioning much. And that results in negative impacts such as low confident, insecure, self-denied and etc, because we frequently have conflicts between things we think should be done, and things that telling us that we have to follow without questioning.

Regardless if we are comfortable with how we are living right now, the undeniable fact is that the world is changing. People in the modern city no longer need to live to be competent, afraid of starvation and have to go through hardship in order to live. We are given more options by the outside world as of how we want to live and what we want to do. We can also involve ourself in volunteer and working for NGO that contradict with the definition of success in Asian’s perspective but that’s how we see life should be.

You might want to be the same as how typical Asian thinking is, but we don’t need the next generation to be the same type as how we are: focusing on career to ensure success, live with pain and suffering to achieve what we want, think that if we don’t achieve success means we are nothing, and so on.

This is why the following advice is mainly for our generation who are going to be, or is currently, parent that responsible to guide and shape the mindset of our next generation.

1. Encourage Hope and Belief

This world is cruel. There are a lot of tragedies that we see but we can’t do anything about it. There are all sort of disasters and human-created injustice happen time to time and all we could do is just think about it and hope that we will not fall into the tragic fate. In the end of the day, what we are able to do when we think of it is just a mere thoughts. We usually don’t think too much about it, forget about it and move on with our life.

But our thinking is just stopping people from growing and allow tragedy to happen continuously. We even convince ourself and people that we should not do anything about it. The good thing is, we can avoid ourself and people to face any tragedy and risk their life for something that might not bear any fruit at all; but the impact is, more and more people is not willing to do anything because they are convinced that since most people are not doing anything about it, tragic is always tragic when it happens but actually that’s not the case.

There are many ways to stop tragedy from happening without us realizing it, especially when we are leading a better life compare to many people in this world. Many people around the world are doing it. It might seems insignificant but if you look up to the latest news around the world, there are activities that changing the world slowly and becoming better. Because people have hope, and they have solid belief that changes are possible and the world can be much better instead of just sit back and let the world change by itself. And they are able to see the belief in actual

We are lacking of this power, unless we change how we think about the world and our capability. If we are too possess with our usual living, and many people around us need us to continue what we suppose to do, we can entrust the importance of hope and belief to next generation. At least, teach them to think that people are capable of changes, this world is not hopeless, they can build and use their power to enrich themselves, the people, and the world. Let them know there are unlimited possibilities that they can depend on.

2. Success and Achievements are small step at a time

Success will always be part of our desire, and it’s not just for Asians but for the whole world. This is something that is practiced globally regardless of races and nations. But what I want to emphasize is the perception when we look at success. Most of us think that success is one big thing. It’s like we got it means we got it all. But when we are asked to defined what is success, or what type of success we want, it can take years for a person to identify the type of success they want.

Especially for Asian mindset, success is always set as later stage like you gotta be at least 40 or 50 to talk about it. The problem is, before that age of success, people are considered as inexperience and immature, because they are not at that stage, yet.

This is not true at all, age should never define success and maturity, it’s defined by your knowledge and what you capable of. Furthermore, this world has multiple millionaires at the age of 30 and before. If that doesn’t consider successful, what would? This is why, we should not persuade people to think that success is one big thing. Before you achieve it, you are nothing. It’s a long road, and you need to have the courage to walk on it. Even before you reach the destination, walking on the road ensure you are on progress. Without the final success, you are building your capability and skill, you are definitely something once you started walking on the road.

3. Dare to ask Why and Know Why to ask

When you question an Asian “Why” on a certain subjects that they used to do it on regular basis, you can get a lot of interesting reply and reaction from them. Frequently, if you notice, when you question why they would think like that and what’s the reason behind their behavior, sometimes you can see that they would stunned for awhile and need some time to think before answering your question. The issue with Asian perspective is that we always follow. There are times when we know why, but most of the times we don’t know or unsure about it. We follow because our culture asked us to do so. While we can reason that we are right because the culture and mindset usually has nothing wrong. We are just doing what others think are right.

The problem with this approach is that we do not truly understand why we suppose to do something. The mindset of Asian told us that we need to get promotion in our current job position. If you ask your friend who is working at a higher position in a company, try to ask why they need to get into that position. It’s quite often that you will get answer that is not related to his/her own will. In other words, he did not choose to get into this position at his/her own will. He/she do so because he/she has to.

This can ensure walking on a solid path because you are doing what other’s had proven to be right. The only problem is you didn’t give yourself a chance to think in another perspective and ask yourself “Why”. Why you have to achieve a higher position? Why you want to own a bigger, better properties? Why you want to practice this type thinking? Not only start to question yourself with “Why”, you need to think what’s wrong with the opposite site, as in so what if you did not get into a high job position, own bigger & better properties and so on.

Many people did not realize, asking “Why” is the way to open up a new path and solution. Because we dare to imagine and look into alternate idea, whereas many people don’t do that because they want to stay in a comfort zone. Teach your child to be curious and identify the true reason of anything they encounter, encourage them to think what could be wrong with current approach and grant the capability to identify the right path and create solution for the most ideal approach that we did not think of.

4. Being successful is not a result, it’s a mindset

As an Asian, we frequently talk about how successful other people is based on the type of results that they had achieved. For instance, we like to talk about how someone attended a business meeting that only people with specific qualification and position will be invited. We envy their qualification and position, we wish to have the same type of qualification and position they are in. This, somehow, create another problem.

Many people, not just Asian, think that successful is a result. The problems occur when we want to show people what we are capable of. This apply to us who want to purchase larger and better properties so that people would know that we are capable of this. And also visiting restaurants and food places that are considered expensive because we could afford that, and our inner conscious want to disguise ourself to be somebody who can afford all these luxuries compare to those who can’t. When you post on Facebook and people know that you visited some expensive restaurants, they envy of you and think you are doing really well, and you are quite satisfying because what other people think convince you that you are good and getting closer to success.

But unfortunately, you are not as successful as how others think you are. You are just obsess with the general Facebook Image Crafting, a concept where you create a great impression by using the best and greatest event in your life with the mask of internet to let others know you are doing excellently. If you take a good look in your actual life, how much financial burden you need to deal with time to time with such spending?

Rather than depending on result to beg people to think that you have an excellent life, teach the next generation to think that you need true mindset that want actual success that determine by everything you do, you can do excellent work and produce good result. Not just excellent by materials and surface, but incapable of dealing with the after-impact.

5.Motivation and Inspiration > Pain and Suffering

Delivering pain and suffering so that people would listen and follow what you want is one of the concept during war, but is totally cruel and the main impact that carve into people’s heart is not the message that you want to pass them, is the actual pain towards their body and mind that develop throughout their entire life.

Even at modern days, there are still parents, which including young adults, believe that canning and causing pain and fear to their children is an effective way to teach and discipline them.

Result wise, yes we can achieve the desired result that we want using canning, scolding, and whichever way to make them follow what we want. But in the end of the day, it’s highly likely that they would learn that they have to do something because if they don’t they will have to experience pain and suffering, but do not understand the true reason to do something.

Think in the future when your children grew up and became parent of their own child, do you want them to cause fear and pain to their own children so that their children should just do things because of fear? Don’t you think it’s a better idea for them to learn how to teach their children and influence others to know how to do things for good reasons?

6. Stop Following Other People’s Footstep

If you have Asian parent, it wouldn’t be weird when they often saying things like: “You see XXXX, they are so good at XXXX. You should be like them!”. As the common perception of Asian often involve following, we are always expected to just follow the path that most people walked on to ensure that you can achieve a good result. Why? Because someone else follow the path and they did it! So following the same path means definitely will become successful like them right? WRONG! Who says that following people path definitely achieve good result?

I’m still unsure on the source of this belief, but I have to be firm on this: Nope, following other people footstep just means you are following, not achieving. Imagine this, when you follow other people footstep, where would your eyes concentrate in order to follow their path? It’s the footstep, which means you are staring at the floor all the time. But how do you ensure what lies ahead? I often got frustrated when I ask people why they want to do something and they answer something like “Because other’s doing that!”.

Stop following other people’s footstep is not the same as stop walking on the path that people had walked on and they consider that as path of success. You can still walk on it, BUT knowing where are you heading to. In other words, lift your head, look what’s in front, and know if you are walking on the path that you want. Know if there is alternative and better path, create your own path if possible, and tell yourself where you are heading to. Simply put, when you are doing something common that people doing, know what you are doing. Don’t do it because others are doing it.

7. Do things because of reason, not because you have to

After you learn and determine that you are walking on the right path that you want, you need to know the exact reason why you are walking on it. We don’t want the following generation to do things because they are asked to. We don’t want them to achieve things and do everything but in the end of their life, they are unsure of what are they trying to achieve.

The idea is similar to encourage them to ask “Why”, which is a really powerful word as you can see. When they are asked to do something, make sure they know the real reason behind doing it. Don’t study because other kids are doing it, let them know the reason to study is because they need to gain true and useful knowledge, not vaguely about sitting in exam to get good grade, good looking qualification, better job and better life.

8. Be brave and learn to say sorry

This is, again, not only the issue with Asians, many other people from other races and nations also have the similar issue. But I’m not sure if it’s just me, my experience dealing with people from other nations is quite different because they seems to have no problem saying sorry. In my usual life and experience dealing with my friends here, “Sorry seems to be the hardest word” - Elton John.

This always make me recall some of the actions that I know from Asian parents. When parent did a mistake, you can’t expect them to say “I’m sorry for causing this….”, you can get any type of response except that. In certain case, and it’s quite frequent, they might blame something else and in the end, their main point is just representing that they are not at fault. This is how egoism are built and practiced. And also influence the younger generation to perform the same behavior and say the similar things when they realize that they are wrong instead of admitting mistake and saying sorry.

Saying sorry when you suppose to is the key to avoid conflicts and make things better. In an usual case, I seen generation Y have serious issue admitting their are wrong. It’s like saying sorry means his/her entire life is worthless. We need to teach the younger generation to understand that sorry doesn’t crumble our life, it doesn’t means we are totally sinful and everything is our fault. We need to be sorry for the exact thing we did wrong, know what we are sorry for, know how to accept our weakness and improve ourself from mistake, so that we no longer need to stay with the same wrongful behavior and mindset.

9. Remember, we are Role Model, and everyone will eventually turn into one

“I don’t care how others think about me” is a brave thoughts. Able to live with it give us the idea and courage to do what we truly think is right. We no longer live in other people’s perception. In modern days, its quite often that our action and mindset is being denied without proper reason. The only thing we know is just people don’t agree with it, that is why we should not do that. Able to persuade our own path with the despise and disagreement of others is not a totally wrong idea. People denying you doesn’t mean they are always right, they just having their own reason. As long as you know what you are doing, you have the rights to put your action into test. You probably can guess what I’m going to say: this (again) create some type of problems.

In our generation, we have an extremely strong desire to do what we want and go all the way with our own ideal, even if many people have something to say about us. There are times when we can find people to agree with what we are doing. But there are also times when people are totally against it. With or without reason, it’s not surprising that we occasionally turn a deaf ear when people said something that against our liking. This further transform us into a being that is not willing to listen to others and just do whatever we want without caring of how others think and feel. It’s alright to do it because you have the choice but that is not how we want the next generation to think and behave, and we don’t want to future generation to focus on doing whatever they like without considering that younger generation will always learn from older generation .

Like it or not, younger generation will always look at us. How we think and behave will eventually influence them. They will follow what we do, just like when you admire someone and you wish to be like them. That is in a good way, but it also occur when they see people treating a waiter/waitress badly and they thought it’s okay to do so because others are doing it. WIllingly or not, our behavior will carve into their mind and always reminding them how others did in certain situation, and they might do the same when they do not know what is right and wrong.

This is why, remembering that you are a role model means you need to behave properly and give them a good reason to follow what you are doing. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter if they understand why you are doing this, if you are being a good role model and they follow you, eventually they will understand the good reason behind doing it.

10. Remember to Balance Out Happy Life and Tough Life

Unlike the old times where people struggle all the time to get a good job and a proper life, modern people are really fortunate. Most of the people in developed countries don’t experience starvation and the type of life where we would afraid that we couldn’t get a job and live in a proper house. Most of the people nowadays are more than enough fortunate, especially if you are at least able to access the internet and read this blog. They also have access to lots of luxury lifestyle and materials. Which is why the pain & suffering in the old days are not visible and understandable for many people, and telling them about those tough days can’t help much to make them understand that life was tough back to those days.

The younger the generation is, the more they do not understand tough life, as well as not willing to accept it. But I do see parents trying to make them understand how life supposed to be and bringing up all those true experience and events that once happened in the past. Of course, what parent said is real, but it’s just no longer apply to our current life. Modern people are obsessed with happy life, instead of understand how life was tough, they are more interested to life can be much more happier and better.

This is how people want life to be nowadays, so telling them that life is tough only make them felt that what you said is totally unrealistic. Instead, you need to make them think that life should have happiness, but it also need to go through hardship in order to learn and live to see the world, not just have fun all the time.

11. Life is not all about Own Self

Lastly, I think the most important thing is to realize that living is not all about keep on enriching your own life. Don’t focus on giving all the best for yourself and put all the time for your own personal life.

As the technology grew to be much more powerful and capable, people have access to the internet anytime they want and we can travel to many places when we want (and when our financial allow), we are getting more sources for access to activities and things that take us further away from our friends and family. Well, there are times when you can’t have your friend’s and family along when you travel, and accessing internet usually is by our self, not with friends and family.

In another perspective, it’s not just about friend’s and family, it’s also about the society and people around the world. Teach them to know the importance of living for the society and help out those who are poorer and need helps from others, just like when we need help when we are incapable of solving our own problems. We might think that we do not need to help others as there are always other parties who are willing to help, we only notice its importance when we are in the situation that desperately need helps from others. Don’t let the younger generation take things for granted, live for everyone and live out the best out of life.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

No more Monday Blue at work

Hate Monday blue on every Sunday night? You really don’t need it, and it’s not that okay just because everyone have it. Even if you have few more years before you retired, living with Monday blue, or to be more specific, dislike working is definitely not something encouraging. What’s more if you have 20 or 30 more years to work for?

Monday blue is not necessary, really. Despite having unlimited Monday blue, look at the bright side because there are numerous methods to eliminate Monday blue.

Here’s simple tips with little efforts for relieving yourself from suffering from monday blue during the weekend and on Monday.

1. Throw all your worries and frustration down the drain on Friday night

Don’t bring whatever unhappiness and dissatisfaction you had on the week to the coming weekend. Go to the cafe, bar, the park, party, library, or anywhere to relax and tell yourself that you had gone through a busy working weeks so you deserve a relaxing and good weekend, and get yourself prepare for your weekend plan.

2. Prepare a complete weekend plan

Make it much more complete than your usual work plan. There are only Saturday and Sunday available, and it’s a disaster to waste them and feel sad for not doing anything you want during the weekend at a Sunday night.

During the weekend, try to achieve and complete the to-do list in your plan as much as you could.

The consequences of without any weekend plan at all put yourself at the risk of thinking what to do during the weekend and could waste few hours up to more than half a day! Come on, you only have two days to do whatever non-working stuff before you gotta get into a 5 continuous busy working days again.

3. Avoid any work related stuff on Sunday night

If you have unfinished work, finish them before 6pm or leave it for tomorrow. Sunday night is the time where you need to relax yourself to the max and leave yourself no chance of regrets on insufficient time for your personal activities before the start of a busy working day.

4. Get a luxury breakfast on Monday morning

It’s not just the issue that the elder repeatedly nagging for ages: breakfast is good for your health. A good breakfast also contribute to starting your day with something special and joyful.

For the Monday morning, reward yourself with special and “luxury” breakfast. It does not need to be expensive, just special enough that you feel great and getting yourself into the mood of humming some songs without realizing it yourself.

5. Spend little time for work planning and management on weekend

Bear in mind that I’m talking about work “planning and management”, not finishing up all your work on weekend.

While it’s alright to spend some time on working stuff on weekend, the main thing about weekend is to spend time to fulfill your personal life satisfaction, hanging out with friends to relax, and do any activity that boost your happiness and life satisfaction.

When you have a proper work planning and personal target on what you want to do in the coming week, you will be more prepare for that week and feel much less intense and uncertain

6. Get into office earlier than usual

So that you can start doing your work earlier and in the end of the day, you are able to complete more than other usual day….. NO! Getting into the office earlier when there isn’t much people allow you to enter the office when everything is quiet and peaceful to feel less intense and calm.

Start your day by doing something relaxing, Facebook, read a book, talk with colleagues and anything that is non-work related instead of starting your work right away. It's the same concept for having a better breakfast in the morning: to start your day with something enjoyable and satisfying.

The earlier you get into the office, the more time you have for your peaceful personal time and the higher chance that no one will be there to work and spread the negative working atmosphere. If you enter the office later and looking at your colleagues serious working facial expression, you will eventually felt like your working mood had started and there is no time to relax.

Also, waking up earlier is a good habit. Provided that you sleep early too. In the end, it's for the better health improvement and better working life.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

To All the Malays, I Wish to Know What You Think About Lowyat's Riot on 13th July 2015

I believe the Lowyat riot's that happen on 13th July 2015 midnight follow by the group of Malays gathered at 12th July 2015 evening in front of Lowyat plaza had touch the heart of many people. And it not only the issue of politics as it also involve the social issue and touch on the racist matter in our culture.

I had wrote down the details of everything that I know regarding the root cause that we can see and how the riot ended in this article.

And I'm still looking into any new info that is available and I found one serious issue: Despite the two Malay boys had official news confirmed that they are not being accused, it's a fake news that they purchase the phone and they had the receipt. The truth is they attempted to steal the phone but got caught when they are trying to escape. Yet, there are still supporters to claim that the two Malay boys is part of the Malaysia "pahlawan" (honorable soldier) who dare to fight back because there are small amount of supporters still believe that the two Malays are being accused. The two Malay boys wreck havoc because they have the courage to express their dissatisfaction instead of getting silent for purchasing fake stock. Another matter is, I found many supporters feeling proud of being Malay because the huge crowd of Malays "united" as one in front of Lowyat plaza.

I have to press on the reality as what had reported in the news and it's confirmed as the official news. You can refer to The Star newspaper, New Strait Times, and other social media reports on the following:
  1. The two Malay boys that accused to steal the phone had confirmed that they are not being accused. They committed the thievery and got caught when they trying to escape.
  2. The Malay crowd who gather in front of Lowyat Plaza at 12th July 2015 at the evening is consider illegal as there is no official announcement allow them to gather in a large group.
  3. The Malay crowd in front of Lowyat plaza claim to protest because Lowyat plaza is selling fake stock but Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed that there is no fake stock in Lowyat plaza after investigation.
  4. Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak, most of the government officials and most of the social broadcasting companies urge people not to continue spreading rumors. Rumors here referring to the accusation of Malay boys who perform the thievery and root cause is the Chinese in Lowyat plaza beaten up the Malay gang because of racist issue. In another words, the Chinese group beaten up the Malay gang is not because of racist issue.
  5. Among the Malay crowd in front of Lowyat plaza, there is few leaders who provoke the anger of the crowd and attempt to stir up racist war. Police had detain one of the leaders for provoking racist war.
  6. The Malay crowd attempted to march into Lowyat plaza at 8.30PM but stopped by the police at 9PM. The crowd got dismissed but gathered again later at midnight around the street Bukit Bintang.
  7. The Malay crowd had cause damage to public properties such as numerous vehicles and attack numerous Chinese and causes at least 5 person to be injured. At least one person had serious injuries and bleed. One car was seriously damaged when the crowd hit and destroy the car in a group.

One thing that bother me really much is, what is the Malays truly think about this whole event? And I'm not referring only to the supporters, as in those who post comments all over the internet to think that this event unite the Malays, as well as Malays who did not involve in the riot but as a citizen of Malaysia.

Some people may or may not accept that the Malay boys are the theft even after the news had confirmed on it, the fact that I seen many people agree that the Malay boys and the gang that wreck havoc in Lowyat plaza is a correct act disturb my mind really much.

Logically, this event is telling me that a few Malay boys attempted to steal but failed and got caught. Later on, a gang revenge on the people who hand their friend over to the police and got beaten up, so they use this matter to create fake news to stir up racist war and amazingly, many Malays believe their story without thinking much or investigation. A huge group of Malays claim to obtain justice and pride because of the fake news and result in damaging public properties and hurting people on the street. After the entire event ended and the official news are out, many still proud that Malays united despite the root cause is started by Malay theft.

What is the reason feeling proud for one race to unite because massive amount of people believe in fake news and instead of claiming justice and pride for the Malay, they create public fear and chaos on the street? Those behaviors are much more worst that local gangsters. At least local gangsters don't practice violence at the public area.

I don't like to conclude that the supporters that think this riot is something that they proud of could represent the thinking of all Malays. I wish to understand the thinking of other Malay regardless what they think about this riot, and regardless they are supporters of it or not.

I can see there are many Malays out there who see other races as equal and there is no such issue as bumiputra or pendatang. They also help out on others regardless of race when other needs help. All of us are living together in harmony and this culture has always been a treasure in Malaysian's heart even when we usually don't talk about it or express it. Which is why we are all able to see each other as equal and racist issue should not stir up our relationship and harmony between each race easily and without a solid purpose.

I hope I can get sincere thoughts and opinion from our fellow citizen of Malaysia.

Lowyat's Riot: An Early Plan with Strategy to Cause Public Fear?

You probably knew what happen from the internet and may heard of numerous of different thoughts about the riot that happen in Lowyat, If you are a Malaysian that live around KL area, it would be a huge surprise that you don't know about it or didn't thought of anything about it. Because this is not a simple protest, it's a riot that causes chaos, injuries that involve many different groups of people and damage to the name of well known Lowyat plaza.

Just a head up of what actually happen in case you don't know or not sure about it, and to clarify what had actually happen, I will explain what actually happen in the front and back in Lowyat plaza and the internet world. The internet world, if you still haven't realize it, play a huge part of causing this riot.

Saturday 11th July 2015

Let's watch (or watch again if you want) this video about the Malay gang who wreck Oppo shop to destroy their products and attack Oppo staffs in front of the crowd.

It actually begin this way: At Saturday (11th July 2015) noon, two Malay guys spoke to the Lenovo salesperson that one of them agree to purchase a Lenovo phone but when the salesperson turn his back to take some gift that give along with the phone, the two Malay boys run away with the phone and trying to escape from the mall. Lenovo staffs alert other staffs in Lowyat to catch the two Malay thefts and Oppo staffs help to catch the theft during the theft's escape. The thefts successfully caught when he fall down from the stair and the staff manage to reach them. So the relevant staffs take the thefts to the Lowyat management office and later send them to the police.

The two thefts is being brought to the police by the Lowyat's security guard. The one that steal the phone had been detained in the police station while another one was released because he is not the one that perform the thievery. Everything was good until at the late evening, the suspect that was released earlier create fake story that Oppo sell fake phone and their friend is now detained by the police so they are really upset and angry. The gang approach the Oppo shop in Lowyat plaza, and you'll know what happen next as you can see in the video above.

Here is the video of the police report that claim the truth.

There are seven people in the gang. Their main target is to attack the Oppo staffs who helped to capture their friend. Such aggressive act don't take long before other people (mostly staffs as seen in the video) in Lowyat plaza witness that and whack the few Malays that causes trouble in the Plaza.

As a result of the day, the few Malays got hit terribly by group of people and they left Lowyat.

That's pretty sum up what I know for event of Saturday. Of course there are more of it if you look around from Facebook or the internet.

Sunday 12th July 2015 Part 1 - Twisted Story From Various Sources

The next day, various newspapers and sources had confirmed on the theft case and the incident causes by the Malay gang as stated above. Here is the reference of the official news:
  1. The Star Newspaper: Melee in Lowyat Plaza
  2. New Strait Time: Low Yat Plaza mayhem as 7 men run amok
  3. Says: Everything You Wanted to Know About the Mob Violence At LowYat Plaza That Left 5 Injured
  4. Free Malaysia Today: M'sians condemn Lowyat riot
  5. Funny Malaysia: What Really Happened at Lowyat?

Most of the newspaper also publish the official news that stated the incident and confirmed that the Malay gang is the one that causes the chaos. But suddenly a serious issue occur.

Twisted story beings here: A Facebook page that label as Boikot Barangan Cina Dap ORI spread rumours that the actual event on previous day started by the Malay customer (confirmed to be a theft as reported in the news) purchase a device in Oppo shop but later on found out that the device is a counterfeit. The Malay customer got mad so he ask few of his friends to "reason" with Oppo staffs but the staffs refuse to listen and beat up the Malay customers.

Most of the people who support this Facebook page strongly believe this is the actual truth so they think that the chinese is at fault.

I read through many comments in the post that talk about the incident and this is what I can see:
  • It's either they don't read newspaper or they don't know how to comprehend basic words and sentences. News reported on the details of the incident but yet, they support that the Malay gang is innocent and the Chinese is the gangster. Sure, the staffs (not only consisting of Chinese) should not beat up the Malay gang, but that doesn't mean all the fault should be placed on the staffs and other people in the group and we should forget about how the Malay gang started with attacking people in the mall.
  • The first video above had been shared globally and can be found in Youtube, I would be surprised if they don't see the video or they don't know what is the video all about. If they saw the video, then in what sense that attacking people is consider as "reasoning" and innocent? Even if the item that they bought is counterfeit (at this point, there is no solid proof that the device is not genuine), this does not mean it's completely fine to attack people. Apparently, the people in that page still think that the Malay gang did it right and the Chinese deserved it
  • A high number of people in the page focus heavily on the issue that the device is probably from China and it's fake. Now that the Malay gang is attacking people and wreck havoc in a public place, all they want to focus is to put blame on China stock and thus, claim that Chinese is at fault on this. What brain is that?
  • Some of the people claim that in the video (these people definitely watch the video), the Oppo staff ran away because people found out that they are selling counterfeit stock so they try to escape. Come on.... are they expecting the Oppo staffs to stand there and let the Malay gang hit and kick in any way they want to show that their products are genuine? Who doesn't run away when being attacked by a group of gangsters?
  • The page admin posted video of "proof" saying that the Chinese hide weapon in Lowyat plaza so they are the gangsters. But what I see is just metal pole for various usage. Can I say that someone is hiding weapon in their house if they have something like a metal pole? Are those people who give comment definitely don't have metal pole in their house? I strongly doubted that. Still can't agree with this? How about looking for a mall or any medium size building that does not has any type of metal stick or object that could hurt people?
  • Last but obvious, even if someone actually spread rumors that the Malay gang is innocent and the Chinese is at fault, what make them strongly believe into it without thinking? My first thought when I see the video is "What happen?", and the next thing I saw is the fake news that Oppo is selling fake device so it enrage the customers. But I'm glad that I don't lack of the thinking capability to believe that is the case, especially after seeing the video of the Malay gang attacking people. That is definitely not a legit way to express your dissatisfaction when you felt cheated for purchasing a fake device. So, what's actually brainwash them to spread the rumors?
But all these are just comment and thoughts of the keyboard warrior and people who don't think properly. That's what I thought at that time until everyone realize it's not as simple as it is.

Sunday 12th July 2015 Part 2 - Chaos broke out at KL City

Approximately 6PM, a huge crowd consist of Malays appear in front of the main entrance of Lowyat plaza and claim that they are from different groups, but most of them refuse to state clearly where are they coming from. The actual amount of people is unknown but it's believed that it's up to between 100 to 300 people.

Most of the shops inside Lowyat are notified to close their shop and urge all staffs to escape as soon as they can to avoid the worst situation.

According to the news report of Astro Awani, the crowd gather in front of Lowyat remain until 8.30pm before they march into Lowyat. At 9PM, the police arrive to close the entrance of Lowyat and had the situation under control.

There are few main events that is not confirmed by the social media except for the eyes witnesses but video are all around the internet, and there are many rumors spreading around when the crowd gather at the evening.

Apparently, there is a few "leaders" among the group where most people would listen to. During the time before they attempt to march into Lowyat plaza, the crowd was listening to a few person persuading them about something and the crowd repeatedly shouting in the name of Allah, the god name of Islamic religion. Which somehow indicate that they are acting in the name of god but this event also enrage massive amount of Malays because Islam don't ask their followers to gather in group to behave like gangster and causing havoc in the public place. This is one of the leaders who work for UMNO and give some speech to the crowd.

In the video where the man spoke to the crowd, he mentioned that what they want is to claim the justice and pride for the Malays boys who got beaten up by the Chinese, which he did not mentioned anything about the theft case and the Malay gang that attack people. Furthermore, he also say here is the "bumi melayu" which means this place is for the Malays. I don't usually care about politics, despite that I heard of too many politician that trying to stir up racist war speak in a way that claim Malaysia or the earth they are standing at are all belongs to Malays. Whatever his intention is, he has no difference than those nasty politicians that brainwash people to create racist war.

The crowd also shout and chase the Chinese away whenever they see any Chinese around. And it's not only shouting and chasing away, they are also hostile and trying to beat the Chinese when they see one.

So far, no report stated that foreigners had any injury or became the victim of this chaos. It's still a better news because in this place, not many people are able to differentiate Malaysia Chinese, China Chinese, Japanese, Korea, and Asian from western country. If it so happen that the Malay gang saw foreigners and think that they are Chinese so the gang become hostile to the foreigners, what would happen to our country when foreigners being beat up by bunch of barbarian who being hostile to people on the street without any reason or purpose?

Not long after that, the crowd decided to barge into Lowyat plaza. The actual intention is not confirmed at this point. Several sources suggested that the crowd wanted to claim justice from Lowyat for selling fake stocks and accusing the Malay boy for thievery and then beat up the Malay gang on previous day.

But the crowd was stopped by police officers who arrive on time. The police officers stop the crowd from entering Lowyat plaza and close the entrance of Lowyat. Soon after that, the crowd was dismissed but unfortunately, that is not the end of the story yet.

During midnight time, the real chaos occur when the crowd gather on the street around Bukit Bintang and attack Chinese. By far, the reported incident is journalist who got beaten up for protecting photographer when the crowd got mad for the photographer taking picture of them, the crowd stopped a car and drag the Chinese driver out to beat him up repeatedly until he is seriously injured while the car got smashed and violated, several cars got its windows smashed when happen to drove by, a large part of the crowd barged into a restaurant and attack the diner. Other incidents that is not reported and I had not seen is not known but I believe there is more of it.

Again, police officers are deployed to control the situation but it's difficult because the crowd is everywhere and the amount of people who cause havoc are too much. The crowd apparently don't show a sign of fear when the police is around and trying to stop them. It take times and many officers to calm the crowd as they are all over the street.

The riot had been going on for many hours until police had the situation under control. A total of 19 person who involved in the riot was caught and this conclude the end of Lowyat's riot.

Sunday 12th July 2015 Part 3 - Where all these people coming from?

Just to recall, the Malay gang wreck havoc in Lowyat Plaza at approximately 7.50PM. Assume that they got beaten up and everything is settle half an hour later, the gap between the time that the Malay gang left the mall and the time when the people gathered in front of Lowyat Plaza, which is about 6pm, the time gap is less than 24 hours time. In another words, assume that the Malay gang started to call and gather people at the time when they got beaten up to get revenge or just to protest for whatever reason they have, they only have 22 hours time.

Assume that the Malay gang and all other relevant people sacrifice their sleep time to spread the rumors in order to gather massive amount of people for their group act. First question is: how did the rumors spread so quick and fast?

Internet is a great source to spread information quick and without boundaries. But this does not conclude that the people receive the information from internet and thus, start to act to gather in a group even if all of them coming from the same organization. Logically speaking, when few person is notified of this "unfair" event happen to the Malay gang so they want to call up a protest or gathering to reclaim justice, what is the quickest method that could gather more than hundred of people at Lowyat plaza within 20 hours? Facebook and internet is indeed a great source of spreading information but nope, people don't stare at Facebook all the time to check if there is anyone of their race is being treated with unfair judgement.

And here comes the second question as well as my main question, where all these people coming from? If the Malay gang ask for several group of people to support them to protest in a group, they need to explain to each of the group and each person what actually happen, and they need to convince people to put aside whatever stuff and work that they need to do at that day later to form this riot. Even if we assume that the Malay gang successfully convinced one of the group that they know to form this riot and the group persuade other group that they know to join the riot, how do they gather that much of people that willing to throw away their time and without any preparation to join a riot to against Lowyat plaza within such a short time?

We can assume that the reason that they able to gather so much of people within such short amount of time because they have really great and efficient method to notify every possible person in their group in a glimpse and able to persuade them to travel and gather in front of Lowyat plaza to form a riot, and we can assume that everyone are able to put aside their stuff and strongly believe that the riot is a must to claim justice and pride of the Malays. Yet, we must not overlook when you observe the crowd of Malays from different group and organizations: all of them behave in the similar way for one main intention that they are agreed on.

I'm not saying that every single person in the crowd are definitely hostile and every one in the crowd involve in attacking and injuring people. But none of the people in the crowd seems to do anything that actually related to justice but to practice and allow violence on the public. If not all people in the group are with the same intention and some of them really are there for justice, why none of the people in the crowd stop those who practice violence? Isn't it convincing us that the crowd is basically prepare to be violent at the first place and their term of justice is the same as demonstrating violence?

These are the questions that left unanswered to ordinary people like me who only able to learn something from the news and video, and to the people who almost or became victim in this chaos. Only those who are in the crowd know the actual truth and intention behind the riot.

The Important Lesson of this Riot

The actual intention of this riot is unknown. The main organization behind this riot is also unknown. But I guess it is pointless for ordinary people to keep on thinking about and trying to figure out something. Assume that the main organization that planned for this riot is a huge one, what can we do about it?

Regardless, I think safety should be a huge concern because we had witness the large group of people who gathered and cause trouble on the street, and these people are not all being caught or detained by the police. I'm not surprise that they will continue their plan at the public especially KL area, and especially to Chinese.

Nevertheless, this event had somehow stir up some racist issue and some group and people believe that it's the conflict of Malays and Chinese. This is definitely not true at all. At best, it's all about misunderstanding over unreliable sources and overeaction on things. As there are Chinese who claimed that the staffs in Lowyat should not beat the Malay gang but hand them over to the police, and there are Malays who claimed that it's the Malay gang who cause trouble at first and crowd is not right for demonstrating violence on the public, this is not the issue of racist at all.

Lastly, as a Malaysian, I'm ashame that our country is at a state where such violence is being practiced on the public and at the street. And these people actually behave like there is no constitution law exists in Malaysia. Even our local gangster would behave when there is police around. I live in Malaysia for more than 25 years and honestly, conflicts between different races and groups occur time to time but this is the first time I see a large group of people wreck havoc in the public with the excuse of one irrelevant thievery case.

Malaysia has Vision 2020 to achieve a fully developed country by the year of 2020. The first achievement in Vision 2020 stated "By the year 2020, Malaysia can be a united nation, with a confident Malaysian society, infused by strong moral and ethical values, living in a society that is democratic, liberal and tolerant, caring, economically just and equitable, progressive and prosperous, and in full possession of an economy that is competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient". We have four and half more years till 2020. I see a huge gap for our country to achieve this ultimate vision that seems too hard for us to achieve.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

This Society Need You More On These Things

Leading life to the fullest is what everyone trying to do. While you busy creating an inspiring and meaningful life, ever wonder this society need your helpful and sincere effort to make it a better place for everyone?

These are the things that our parent won't ask us to do, or probably won't expect from us because it might not seems beneficial to our entire life. Trying to save the world is not practical, earning big to become successful and rich is the only meaningful thing. That's what they think.

But working hard like what our parent expected definitely lead us to successful and rich? Apparently not, I believe you know it really well without further explanation.

Successful and rich or not, you always have the opportunity to make everything better. You just need to contribute some of your time and effort. These are the things that need your sincere help and it contribute a great, good impact to many people and potentially, the whole world.

1. Plant more trees

Image source from Pixabay by GLady

The issue of global warming has never been reduced and it's only becoming more and more serious. While most of the well developed countries focus on more high end development project, more trees and natural resources are eliminated and consumed to make development projects much more successful.

But this does not mean all trees will eventually get eliminated. There are many organizations and people trying their best to preserve forest and go green. Don't let those effort get wasted and underestimate the power of one tiny green place. Trees are a persistent thing that change the environment especially inside the city. The effort of one person planting for one tree contribute to the growth of many trees that make our environment "green".

2. Talk & listen to elders

Image source from Pixabay by werner22brigitte

Sometimes (or usually) you can only hear long winded nag and stories of their friends, children, and relative that has nothing to do with your life. But listen closely, those are the things that they, after living for so many years or probably it's what they treasure throughout their entire life, really appreciate and experience.

When we became old, we wish that we could pass our knowledge and experience to the youngsters and hope our wisdom can help them to make their life and the world a better place. So listening to the elders while they still can also help them to do their role as the elders and feel much better passing their wisdom to this world. That's a natural way to help people to feel appreciated and capable.

It meant really much to elders who physically not capable on too much of things anymore.

3. Be a volunteer on anything

Image source from Pixabay by criss_chengck10339

It's one of the stuff that people wouldn't encourage you to do, but this is one thing that so far make many countries a better place. By contributing without asking too much in return, you also learn that in life, we don't need two side of the weight scaling to be the same in order to be fair. We don't need to always get paid by physical reward, the important part is that we will be rewarded when this world got better because of you.

4. Listen to people problem

Image source from Pixabay by jill111

You don't need to involve in solving their problem, in fact you probably don't need to give advice or solution at all.

Problems exist in most people heart. What they always need to not solution, it's more important to let their heart & mind felt relief that their problems are being paid attention to, instead of keeping it in heart and eventually thought that no one care about them.

This is somewhat magical. I'm not sure why but sometimes when people release their problems, they just got better even if the problems still exist and nothing is being solved. Let's allow this magical thing to go on without the needs of questioning how and what.

5. Become a natural resources savior

Image source from Pixabay by Picography

The wastage of any kind of natural resources is getting higher & higher and still keep going on as I speak. Yet, it's better we try to save it rather than just let whatever that is wasted go wasted.

We can start by saving any natural resources that we could think of. This included switch off the light in your room with just a single & effortless press on the switch even if you are just out for two minutes.

Recycle is another great practice and perhaps the only ultimate method to reuse & save natural resources to be wasted without any trace. As many stores and place practice reducing plastic bag usage and implement more recycle bin at public place, try to participate into such practice as much as you could. You might not save an entire nation, but one help from you and others will add up to large amount of savior on natural resources.

Think of this for the sake of the future after another hundred, thousand, or million or years. We won't be here anymore, but we knew that we had help those in the future to preserve these precious things that belong to the earth.

6. Be hilarious

Image source from Pixabay by stuartho

Laughter is the ultimate element that doesn't help in anything, but it solve everything. If people willing to take in laughter as the ultimate answer to everything, theoretically war & conflicts will not happen, and would not happen in the future.

Being hilarious sometimes make yourself feel stupid, or like a clown that people laugh because they think of you as a fool. That's when you need to differentiate the significance of

7. Spread the spirit of "Thank you" and "Sorry"

Image source from Unsplash by Alejandro Escamilla

"Thank you" and "Sorry" is some of the really powerful words that change the world. Conventionally, it just simple words to express gratitude and neglect, but in modern world it means much more than that.

Most people wait for the right moment to use these two words, some of the people unfortunately missed out these two words when they need it. Actually you don't need to wait for a particular moment to use these two. Just don't ask for too much reason and use the magical words, it's free and make most of the situation from worst to better, and better to better.

And spread your mindset to others and let others use the magical words frequently. It's magical and it make things better without any reason.

8. Create and give away free gift

Image source from Pixabay by freefaithgraphics

We need to beware of it when strangers give us something (excluding those free products for promotion purpose). Keeping that in mind, we are not giving food or anything suspicious that might not be safe and encourage people to think that it's alright to accept stranger's gift.

But making small gift like a cute ribbon that serve as a sign to wish people a happy day helps and it make no harm I suppose. A small gift that cheer up people will be good and cheap. It's your effort of making it and give it to people that create the meaning.

9. Make the children happy

Image source from Pixabay by cocoparisienne

Children is the sign of pure and true gift in this world, although they sometimes appear to be naughty and evil. Nevertheless, it's easy to make children happy, but it's not easy to crave the happiness into their heart to create a happy childhood for them.

Happy childhood is not only to make them remember about the fun little things they did when they are a child. As they grow up and become adult, they will become the power and people to bring changes and impact to this world. Our role is to give them the right attitude and knowledge to become people with the right mind and will to bring out their good will for the world.

10. Share your good wisdom to any people, group or organization you know

Image source from Pixabay by Unsplash

While some people may feel like you are trying to boost your great knowledge in front of people, it's important to think that you are doing it for the purpose of sharing knowledge so people can learn and understand things that they might not get to experience and learn in their life time.

But of course, you need to know what type of knowledge and experience you are going to share and the people & group that suitable to be shared.

You can't make people rich by giving your money to them. In fact, you won't make people rich in that way. The true "rich" is not about money, it's about being "full" on something that really matter in our heart. True happiness and positive living is some of the great things that doesn't need your money to achieve, you only need sincere feeling and heart to be true and good to people. That's a simple, less complicated and direct way to spend your precious time for people to be truly "rich" in their heart and for a better world.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How true is Malaysia Education Certificate

Not sure if you heard of this but I heard it from various people from my life: “My cert? I burned it already”. This can be a bad joke that you don’t find anything funny or nothing at all but this actually deeply emphasize that there are quite some issues with our education certificates that we (or our parent) spent tons amount of money, time and effort to earn.

Back to ten years ago, to be able to enter college or university is something really proud for the student and family, which is about the same for now but the level of being proud is very much lesser because it’s no not something really rare for people to enter college/uni and graduate from their course.

I believe this phase or something similar is quite common since years ago: “When you throw a stone and it hit someone, that person is a college/uni graduates”. This is not really a joke or offends at modern time because this phase accurately describe the society we are living in. It’s too easy to enter college/uni even without good grades. And it’s also a serious issue that primary school and secondary school is more focus on pushing students to get good grades rather than ensuring that they are properly educated with the right knowledge.

I also came across tuition centre and education courses that teach student how to “hit” the right answer during the exam. This is really ridiculous. Imagine learning and studying for your life is just for the sake of trying to “hit” a right answer/solution in order to live.

These are the problems that students being pushed to study and think that they have to focus on getting higher grades in the exam and study. It’s understandable that in order to get good grades, student need to be knowledgeable to know the right answer. But the truth is somewhat unrelated about being knowledgeable in wisdom and it’s more to strategy and thoughtful, and the final result is usually not about becoming a person who the right knowledge & wisdom, and to know what should be right & wrong. If this is true, what’s the point of studying when a person don’t obtain true knowledge?

Try to put our thinking in this society, if getting skilled at getting good grades help people to earn a certificate with good CGPA, it definitely looks good when you trying to apply for job, but a doubt is how your CGPA helps to do your job as nice as your grades. Working in real life involve many different type of management skill and problem solving skills, as well as socializing, decision making, and things that you don’t get to learn when you are in primary and secondary school.

In real life, I came across people who have good education background and earn an honourable certificates. Yet, I’m quite speechless when they don’t know much about their field of study and when being asked to perform task as related to their main field, they may display as little knowledge as those who don’t have that title or education qualification.

I don’t mean to offend or looking down on them, I’m quite worry about the future of our education quality and the younger generation unable to get proper & sufficient for the right purpose.

As a final words, I think it’s quite pointless to think or debate on what’s make our education system in such a way as it’s more effective for the people to properly consider the true meaning behind studying is to earn knowledge and wisdom. Grades and certificate is what comes after the process of studying and learning, but it’s questionable on how solid and true is the words being written on the piece of paper. And this paper should not turn into the main factor that decide your life & future to be good or bad. Rather, focus to learn “knowledge” and not “higher grades”.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Practically, Customer is Always "Wrong"

Just as the saying "Customer is always right" is not always right, "Customer is always wrong" is not always wrong either.

I have not involve in any customer care or service, or not so related to that although I have to deal with customer or client sometimes. I'm speaking as a consumer and customer myself facing with people who work to serve other customers.

First of all, there is no specific rules stated how a consumer of a particular product or service should behave, so you may think many situation and consequences are subjective. However, you can always look at the ethical side, and you may realize just because there isn't any rules for how you should behave, that doesn't mean you can behave or talk in any way you want


It's very often to hear people scold the person who provide the service to express their dissatisfaction. But who's telling you that you have the right to scold because you are paying, or because you are the customer? I know it's not all, or perhaps for once they really wish to, there are many people out there who wish to provide good service and get a good feedback from customer.

At the very least, no one like to experience dissatisfaction, frustration, or negative emotion from their customer. In the long run, when people keep on experiencing the same attitude and behavior from customers, they only get less hope that providing good service is essential, since many people would give them negative treatment anyway.


Other than scolding, some rude behavior like punching or slapping the table is also an indication of wrongful behavior. First question, whose table you are punching or slapping on? There is no such thing as expressing your frustration or anger as much as possible means that you are right, or they are absolutely wrong so they should follow whatever you want.

Ask for compensation

When things are not happening in the right way, human has a tendency to think that someone or something suppose to be right, so they seek for whoever they thought is responsible to compensate that. This is why you can always hear the case of customer want refund or adding some additional product or service that is not listed in the company policy. Hey, it's not in the policy, so follow what is in the policy and don't go too over on the next item.

Change Policy

Too over? But it do happen both directly and indirectly. Indirect asking of changing policy is really common which involve compensate with another similar product when the particular product is malfunction, getting free gift, asking service provider to do something more than what they suppose to do, and etc.

Understanding that you may thought they suppose to do something more or it's somehow related, and it may sounds none of your concern, but attacking on the company policy is a direct damage to the company image and operation. If you are running a business or company yourself, you should understand how much impact there is for people to attempt changing your company in the way they want with frustration and over abusive rights.

Became the boss

Title says it all. It's not that you can't express frustration or whatsoever, do remember that you are paying money on certain products or services, that doesn't give you the absolute right to tell them what and how they should do, and everything.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How to Walk Properly In the Crowd on a Daily Basis

Never expect that I would need to post something like this. But well...

"How to Walk Properly In the Crowd on a Daily Basis" is not a basic guide for babies to learn to walk from crawling around, it's mainly for adults who have no problem walking. Hope I made myself clear.

If you ever find it difficult to walk on the street or anywhere full of people, specifically being blocked frequently or realizing that you keep on blocking people only when you realized it, that could be a sign that something not right with your walking habit.

This is not something to complaint about but it's good to know how you should practice a good walking style in order to ensure that you are not causing an obstacle or trouble to others who happen to walk around you. And imagine if someone walk in the problematic or weird style as mentioned below, you won't feel good about it.

1. No Crab Walk

Crab is an animal that born to walk (crawl) side way. They don't walk straight because that's how they are. But human are definitely born to walk straight. So don't do a sudden crab walk and assume that you definitely won't block anyone around you.

2. Turn Your Head, Checked, Make the Right Turn

If you are a driver, you should know really well that whenever you need to turn to left or right side, always check if there is any vehicle behind that direction, make sure the path is clear, then turn to right if you want to turn to right or turn to left if you want to turn to left.
Give a signal by turning your head towards the direction you want to turn at least 3 seconds before turning so that people behind you know that you want to turn to that direction. And don't ever turn your head to the right and make sudden turn to the left. You are going to have an accident if you haven't experience one yet.

3. No Gorilla Walk

Don't raise your shoulder, widen your arm and walk like there are too much of space for everyone. Straighten your body, put both of yout hand beside you, walk straight. No crab walk, starfish walk, drunken cat walk.....

4. Walk with Your Backbone

Again, straighten your body, walk in a straight line. Don't ever give up utilizing your backbone and make a sudden float to the right or left like your bone suddenly soften. Always ensure you are not causing trouble to people near you before you lose your backbone.

5. Don't Swing Your Hand

Understanding that swinging your hand is a sign of relaxing, and if you are in the middle of talking, moving your hand could be a sign to emphasize something or visualizing. But, duh..... you are not doing a presentation. Just walk and don't always assume your hand won't touch or hit anyone.

6. No, No Sudden U Turn

Turning back is easy as 1 2 3. Unlike driving, you need check if there is any car on your back, stop at a proper location that won't block any vehicle, wait until no vehicle would block your way to make a U turn, and that's it. But there is always a safety reason for such measurement. If someone is right behind you and just make a funny 180 degree U turn, you know what would happen.

7. No Sudden Stop, Please

The path is usually wide, people usually walk in the middle. If you need to stop for whatever reason, make a proper turn and stand on the side. There is no reason for you to become an obstacle in the crowd.

8. Don't Stand in Group to Block People Way

Having a few more friends or family with you is the easiest way to block people. Whatever reasons you have that all of you need to stand there and stop moving. First, make a proper turn and stand on the corner. Second, avoid standing in a circle because you definitely able to block someone. Third, don't do any crab walk, make improper turn, gorilla walk, losing your backbone, swing your hand, sudden U turn, sudden stop..... Just don't do anything funny and remember there are people who are around you and they need to walk properly.

You probably realize, walking is somehow similar to driving. You don't make any turn or driving towards any direction without taking safety measurement. Of course, crashing into someone is nothing serious between vehicle and vehicle crashing, but it's nothing usual or fine about practicing a problematic walking style.

Always remember this, if you don't want someone to do the same to you, don't do it at the first place. Even if people still do it, don't follow their incorrect path.

Monday, January 26, 2015

MayBank2u "Access Denied" during Login or Forgot Password

Today, I encounter a problem when I was trying to login into my MayBank2u account in the website which is a "Access Denied" error message. I sure that I am logging in with the correct user name and password. After I click on the login button, another page shows up which stated the access denied message and inform that I was logged out.

I tried the "Self Reset Password" under the login fields. It require the login user name, 16 digit ATM card number, and my new IC number. I enter my info into the fields accordingly and verify a few times before I click on the "Submit" button, but ended up only getting the "Access Denied" message. It's the same no matter how many times I tried.

In the end, it seems there is only one way which is calling their customer hotline at 1-300-88-6688. After going through some digital voice message telling me to press this-and-that message, I choose to call directly to the customer service executive where someone answer to my request on the phone.

I just tell the person that my account shows access denied message and she ask for my personal info for verification purpose. After she done verifying, she just inform me that my account will be blocked if I haven't login for 3 months, and she will help to activate my account right away.

After I put down my phone, I try to login and it work immediately. Everything was good.

I hope this info will be useful for anyone who haven't login for few months and encounter this "Access Denied" error.

Now I will have to set a reminder to login at least once a month to check if there is unknown transaction going in or out.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Misleading Mindset & Unclear Statement: "K-Pop Band Molest Muslim Girls on Stage"

Image Source: Taken from "The Straits Times". Reference link: TheStraitsTimes

Full details of the news from The Straits Times: K-pop boy band at centre of controversy over hugging three Muslim girls

First of all, I need to clarify on the following:
  • I'm not a fans of K-Pop songs or any Korean bands
  • I don't against the teaching of Islamic religion and have no issues with the religion teaching
  • I don't agree or disagree on the fans comment or any public view on this issue as I don't review public opinion before posting this
Let's talk about the title that you can find on the internet that relate this viral news that goes wild in the internet after it happen. You can generally find either one of the title for this news: "K-pop boy band hugging three Muslim girls" or "K-pop boy band molesting three Muslim girls". So it's either "hugging" or "molesting", which is totally differ on personal view on which title is correct.

But the reality don't based on personal or group view & opinion. I prefer to based on definition of words to comment on this. "Hugging" as define in Merriam Webster: Definition of hug is to put your arms around someone especially as a way of showing love or friendship. "Molest" as define in The Free Dictionary: Molestation is the crime of sexual act including touching of private parts, rape, and inducement of sexual act.

Now look back at the "truth" which is in the video (if you can find one or had watch it) or the pictures above, if you define it as hug, that is true because the K-Pop artist is wrapping his arm against the Muslim girl from behind.

If you want to define it as molest, there is a need to clearly clarify if the K-Pop artist had actually conducted any sexual acts on the Muslim girls based on the video or picture you can find.

At this point, I'm not making any personal judgement to say that this is definitely just hugging and not molest. This issue had became a hot topic that goes viral not only on internet, but also broadcasted in the public news, so it's something serious and directly transferring the message to everyone in the public. So it's critical to ensure that the correct message is actually being passed on to everyone. The main issue is, apparently there are some authorities are not passing the correct message.

I can understand that there are conventional thinking that "hugging" somehow relate to sensitive issue and behavior which is related to something highly private, especially here in Malaysia. This country has many sensitive issues in such way that we don't practice contact of body language to express friendliness. But we need to consider the mindset of people from other country, not only what the authorities think is right here.

Having said that, it's not that K-Pop artists who hugged the Muslim girls because they do know understand or realize the conventional mindset here is reasonable or acceptable, since they are from different background. But I believe we need to understand their intention before anyone make final & deadly judgement on their behavior.

Apart of that, the authorities had made statement to arrest the three Muslim girls who accepted the K-Pop artists' hugs, or to be more specific, the authorities defined that the Muslim girls accepted "being molested" on the stage. So are they suppose to scream, shout and run away when the K-Pop artist is approaching them?

Scream, shout and run away is nothing shameful and could be considered normal, or proper way to react, IF Malaysia have been practicing this all the time. However, again, it's apparently not.

Double Standard in Hugging for Different Authorities & People

Not long after this news go viral, there are people who posted a news where Prime Minister's wife, Rosmah, gave a hug to Dato Lee Chong Wei in the public (News from Free Malaysia Tody: What about Rosmah hugging Chong Wei?). Now, the situation is the same.

Let's not talk about why Rosmah give a huge to Lee Chong Wei, there is no doubt it's the same act which is hugging. But the relevant authorities is giving different comments and opinion for the hug between Rosmah and Lee Chong Wei, and the hug between K-Pop artist and Muslim girls. Why is there a need for double standard on this issue? Why there is no one giving a single comment about Rosmah hugging Chong Wei? And why the authorities want to make a huge statement now? This is too obvious that the double standard is occurring that it's not making any fair statement to different group of people and authority.

Aside of Rosmah hugging Chong Wei, look around the past articles and info on the internet, there are lots of hugging here and there occur in the public. Are we suppose to make a huge statement about it now? If the authorities wanted to claim an issue on K-Pop artist hugging Muslim girls only, they need to clarify their standpoint not only on the issue of K-Pop artists hugging Muslim girls on the particular news above, they also need to clarify their standpoint in the past events that had occurred and future event that they want to avoid. Otherwise, the relevant authorities is not making their statement clear and solid, thus not making well reasoning statement to the public.

Image Source: Internet

Lastly, the statement of authorities to arrest the Muslim girls who willingly being hugged is not making any proper sense. Say, if this is to alert the public that being hugged is against the religious teaching so they should be punished, what's the difference between this matter and the extremely ridiculous mindset that girls being molested or raped should be punished because they are seducing men? I sense that our human knowledge and intelligent is not moving forward and instead of being wiser, we moving backwards to become more narrow minded and less civilized. Are we moving from developing country to under developed country, and possibly further backwards?

Malaysian Style: How to Save & Utilize More Precious Time

Summarized Version

In Malaysia, many events and activities on a daily basis make us waste our time instead of allowing us to spend our time in the meaningful way, or the way that we want. Despite that, many events that waste our time are unavoidable such as traffic jam, queue, and waiting for many things.
Rather than complaining how much time are being wasted due to uncontrollable circumstances, it's best to consider how to save and utilize time out of the busy schedule and squeeze time from those unavoidable situations. Here's are some tips that help you to know how to utilize more precious time for yourself.

  1. Reduce activities that don't create value which also refer to things that you do but you know it's differ from making your life any better. You have a dream, but not everything you do in a day contribute to achieving your dream. This include all your hobbies that you do for pleasure and enjoyment. Learn to control the time you spent on those activities and set the priority to do so AFTER you done with your important tasks.
  2. Identify what's truly important in your life, and why. Because we are forgetful. And we sometimes stuck in the situation where we forgotten our passion in starting something at first. This is why we need to keep track on why we start something and always remember what we trying to achieve in the end. When you know the important value in everything you currently doing, you won't need to spend time rethink about it later or risk giving up in the middle of doing it.
  3. Learn to make quick decision because hesitation in decision making is often wasting unnecessary time, as you are going to achieve one final decision anyway. The moment you go into deep thoughts to consider massive amount of choices, your time going down to drain and those time can be used for your beneficial activities, so you are indirectly wasting your precious time in hesitations.
  4. Utilize your time in non-working environment. As mentioned earlier, there are lots of circumstances that you are stuck on a daily basis that waste your time a lot, and you can't control or avoid sometimes. Such situations include: waiting for your food in restaurant, waiting for someone, in the public train or bus, in the queue, and in the traffic jam. You can always take out your notebook to read or write something for your planning and working stuff, instead of doing nothing and wait for the situation to take away all your time.
  5. Setup tasks schedule. We probably have a schedule in our mind, but it's not that useful if you don't write it down as clear as possible and follow according to the schedule. Following a well planned schedule ensure that you keep on with your tasks and ensure you have a proper direction, so you don't need to think what you suppose to do at certain time.

Full Details

In Malaysia, there are three main thing that usually happen in a daily basis that kill our time: Travel, Queue, Waiting time after ordering food. Best of all, we usually can't control or relief the situation no matter how much we complain about it or trying to make a difference (provided that you really did), because these three will go on and on for uncertain amount of years, and continue flushing all our precious time down into drain.

If you are a person value for your own time, thinking that you can use tons of your time to do something meaningful, or wanted to make more time for yourself, you probably found that lots of events and activity in Malaysia can waste your time a lot. Which include walking from one place to another which usually takes 5 minutes, but end up taking 10 minutes plus because there are lots of people blocking your way, or there are 'incident' appear along the way that can't make your journey go as well as you expecting it to be. This is because there are too much of things going around that, without intention to, but would kill lots of your time.

Rather than focusing on things that we could not change, it's wiser to consider how to squeeze more time and utilize every single minutes or even seconds to be used into activities that produce good value in your life.

All of us are granted with 24 hours each day. Let's assume that we spent average of 8 hours for sleep, another 8 on our usual routine for study or work, 8 hours remains to do things that we are conscious about and what's really make us feel like we are living. The bad news, we usually spent the 8 precious and valuable hours for others, for waiting, and for nothing. What truly left is 1 or 2 hours to do things that we really wanted to. Just a word of advice, it's definitely regrettable living to spend only an hour or two every day to do something that you like.

This guide is created after I had gone through lots of struggle trying to understand how my time is being spent and wasted, and why I always felt like I had gone through an entire day of more than 16 hours but couldn't recall what I had actually achieve. Of course, I can come out with a summarize list of what I had done from the moment I woke up until the moment before I'm going to sleep. But what had I lived through the day that make my life meaningful?

I believe many people had the same question in mind. And this guide is created on the purpose for people to realize that even in Malaysia, we can live through the day feeling more concious on what we want to do and how we spend each moment or hour, and crave any meaningful activities or experience you had.

1. Reduce Activities that Don't Create Value

Sounds simple but this could be really hard. There's probably activities in your mind that you want to get rid of, but there are also lots of activities that you are used to it and like it really much but at the same time, you should understand really well that it doesn't make your life better other than pleasure and entertaining.

The list include scrolling on your Facebook page, watching your favorite Hong Kong/Korea/Japan drama or movie, playing games (ouch...), and the list goes on with all the activities that you enjoy but you know it's not making your life any better, or such activities has nothing to do with achieving what you want.

Try to summarize up your day before you sleep and see where most of your time are spent on a daily basis. Note down as much activity as you could, then you will know where most of your time are being spent. The next step is to consider how much time you suppose to spent on your routine or usual activities. It could be difficult and not getting used to it when you try to change. You probably spend a little more time as planned at first because you are not used to it. But do remember that following the plan with perseverance and good determination is the key.

Another important thing to bear in mind, reduce your favorite activities doesn't mean you need to eliminate them out from your life. Just that you need to remember that the activities that you enjoy suppose to come after you had done with your important tasks and work. So it should not be something that you set as priority in the morning or middle of the day.

2. Identify What's Truly Important in Your Life, and Why

All of us have idea of what's important in our life, what we want to do or what we want to have in our life. But if you sometimes wondering what you should do at a certain moment or situation, then you are probably not having a clear and determine thoughts of what you truly want.

When you have a clear idea about what's important in your life, you won't risk spending your time thinking why you want this, or what's so great about it. It's important not only to avoid spending extra time on hesitation, it also keep you motivated and keep going on.

The risk of not having a clear idea of what's truly important in your life is sometimes, you keep on thinking why do you want to continue doing something. Let's take example of writing a story. Your expected end result should be completing the entire story and attracting numbers of readers who can feedback on your story. But the process of writing the story can be long and not as enjoyable as what you thought.

You might have a few chapters that you really enjoy writing because that's where your great idea are. But you still need to write numerous chapters that connect these big idea into one final story. When you are stuck in writing the chapters that not in your enjoyable moment, it's easy to get bored and you might ask what's the point of creating all these while there are more enjoyable things to do? That's when you start wasting time in hesitation, and the greater impact is that you might think that completing the entire story is not so desirable.

Identifying the important things in your life not only require you to think and think and that's it. You need to write it down because we human are naturally forgetful. We don't remember every single thing that we thought of even though it's really important. This is why you should write it down in a notebook or diary for all the important thoughts you had. And note down as soon as you can before you risk forgetting them.

Create the notes at somewhere that you can easily reach so that you will able to read back what you wrote even if you forgotten about it later. I used to write notes and idea of what I want to do or something that make me feel interesting in Words and save it in one of my desktop folder. When I clear my desktop folders and files, I'm able to read back what I had wrote and what I had planned to do. In that way, I can regain my forgotten thoughts and remind myself again on all these things that I wanted to achieve.

3. Make Quick Decision

Everywhere is full of choices. When you need to decide where and what to eat, which clothes to buy, which road to pick, what to do now or later.... This is something that everyone will face on a daily basis. You might not notice it, the amount of time you spent in hesitation and indecisive can be summed up to a great amount of time that extend the spending time in a single activity, and add up into the total amount of time you wasted in a day.

For example, you walk out from your place, you wonder if you should take your lunch at cafe A, or cafe B today. After some brain war to compare between cafe A and B. You finally decided on cafe A, so you walk to the direction where cafe A is. When you reach cafe A, you think about what seat you should take. Should it be near the door, or inside? After a short while, you chosen your seats, so the waiter bring you the menu. Then you look through the menu, and consider if you want to take rice, noodle, or other option. If you choose rice, which rice you should take... and if you choose noodle, what noodle is best... and finally, you decided to order the particular food. When you done with your meal, there is no waiter around, so you probably consider if you should keep waiting until someone is around so you can call the bill, or go to the cashier counter to look for someone....

The above scenario is something really common and could happen to anyone. If you consider the whole process, from the time when you consider which cafe to go, which seat to take, which meal to take, how to make your payment.... all these small activities and behavior are full of hesitations and indecisive. Each of them might take few seconds or minutes, but when you add them up, your hesitation time might double up the amount of time you out to take your lunch until you back to your own place.

In order to learn to make quick decision, you may take some time to search on Google to find article about quick decision making. This article, "5 Tips for Lightning-Fast Decision Making" by Ericson Ay Mires pretty summed up all the great tips to make quick and smart decisions so that you won't need to spend your time in hesitation which in the end, you can save the necessary time into doing something that create better value.

4. Utilize Your Time in Non-Working Environment

Now this is my favorite part and it's the most practical method. Above list are thoughts and idea that is appropriate for your mind. But having great wisdom itself won't make you a highly knowledgeable person. In the end of the day, you need to know how to practice the knowledge and wisdom.

Bear this in mind: Every single seconds you spent on doing nothing that related to making your life better is wasting your time. now, you need to identify the moment when you are not in the situation of working on your desire tasks and the way you can perform to do something beneficial and meaningful instead of wasting the precious time, like the situations below:
  • Waiting for your food in the restaurant. There is no absolute answer on how long your food going to reach your table. Even if the serving time is fast, you can spend the few minutes to do some reading or writing that is related for your stuff. Best thing in this situation is, you have a table. So utilize this great and comfortable opportunity.
  • Waiting for someone. The worst case could be standing & waiting for someone beside the road or under the hot sun. You don't have any chair or table so it's not gonna be comfortable. In this case, you can utilize your brain to perform some planning and thinking that is related to your stuff. If you used to bring a small bag, keep a notebook with you (conventional notebook made from papers, because it don't consume battery and you don't have to risk doing other things) and write down your thoughts. Just avoid being too focus and always becareful with your surrounding.
  • In public train or bus. Let's skip the moment when it's too crowded and you can't do anything but standing and beware of your belongings. During the non-peak hour when you get the chances to sit down or stay away from the crowd, that's the time when you can utilize your mind to do some reading, thinking or planning again. Better than just looking around and waiting to reach your destination.
  • In the queue. This might not be a good time to do something thinking or planning because you need to beware when people trying to cut queue (too common in Malaysia) or try not to miss your turn if you have a queue number. High focus thinking or planning can make you miss your number, so better not. It's still good to do some reading or writing to spend time.
  • In the traffic jam. I'm not encouraging you to lose your focus while driving on the road. Stuck in the traffic jam is something that you wish, but can't really help to change anything. You can't do any reading, thinking or planning because you need to focus driving on the road. You can still listen to some educational channel or CD, which means you need to prepare it before you get on the road. But if your music player is spoiled, too bad then.

5. Setup Tasks Schedule

Another practical method to make sure that you are working on your desire stuff. To do this, you will have to make some planning to know what you want to do, and how you want to practice in your life to make things come true.

When you successfully come out with a list of to-do stuff, you need to fill them into your life and execute your plan.

Here's an example of how I setup my schedule with my to-do tasks in a week:

Monday Research & Writing Blog
Tuesday Research & Documentation
Wednesday Study list of food that benefit body system
Thursday Practice dancing
Friday Read Novel
When I have a fixed schedule, I print out and stick the paper on my room table so that I know what I'm suppose to do today. Better than hesitating what I feel like doing now or which task I should go for. You can have your own version of time schedule in any way you like. And it's best if you can list down as detail as possible so that you can just follow according to the plan. You can perform the same tasks continuously for few days before you start another task.

Always remember that the key is to have a proper plan before you create the time schedule and follow the plan accordingly. Do not attempt to skip it as you like, and do not risk forgetting your task schedule as time goes by.